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Sharon's Wagon




Sharon's Wagon is an outreach ministry in memory of Sharon Vaz.  Sharon was a member of our parish with a spirit of giving and caring for others.  Her love and spirit remain with us today.


Each month, an item or items, will be featured and collected in her wagon, and then distributed to a specific need in our community.


This list will be updated as needed.


    February 2025:  In February Sharon's Wagon will collect items for the Blessing Bags for our unhoused neighbors.  Suggested items: lotion, chapstick, hothands, water, crackers (with cheese) or granola bars, mylar blankets, and socks.  Any other items for keeping our neighbors warm and comfortable are welcome!


Please watch for more information in the Missal. If you know of a specific need which may be filled from donations to Sharon's wagon, please contact Amy Gardner.

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St. Michael's Episcopal Church   1601 W. Imhoff Rd.  Norman OK  73072    405-321-8951

Office hours Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

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